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what we do


Twice a month, we organize Boots-on-the-Ground cleanup events at various troubled spots along Brevard County waterways, involving dozens of volunteers of all ages.

Together, we remove about a ton of trash each month. The Waterway Warriors provide supplies, training, guidance, and safety policies for these events. Working with the Florida Department of Transportation's Adopt a Highway program, our volunteers and trained team leaders access critical areas where trash accumulates.

What if we can't easily walk to a trash-filled location?

Some spots are hard to reach by car, so we partner with private and commercial boat captains to transport our volunteers safely to these neglected areas. Many of these places have never had trash removed, and the amount of debris can be overwhelming, which drives the Waterway Warriors to keep pushing forward with our mission.


Every volunteer earns a yellow Waterway Warrior shirt after their third Cleanup with us… it’s a symbol of your service to the community… can anyone say, BRAGGING RIGHTS??!!

Thank you to our generous sponsors:

  • SponsorLogo Surfing
  • SponsorLogoTommy
  • SponsorLogoFDOT
  • Aeronix